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In the most general sense, this polarity means an alternative orientation either to space (stationarity) — the pole of statics, or to time (temporality, portability) — the pole of dynamics.
Statics tend to fill space with objects, and dynamics tend to fill time with events. In other words, statics do not tolerate empty space around them — they immediately fill it with the things at hand. The dynamics do not tolerate empty time — boredom, prolonged stay in the same state. In a certain sense, statics (people of place) can also be called constants, and dynamics (people of time) — variables.
And now we will consider this polarity on separate levels of communication.
1. Intellectual level. Statics and Dynamics in Socionics
Here, statics is opposed to dynamics as discrete-fragmentary thinking and continuous-associative thinking.
Discreteness, or discontinuity — is the division of the whole into fragments that do not mix. Memorization of statics is more effective when the material is structured with rigid semantic connections. In this case, each concept falls into its own memory cell, as in a computer. For solid understanding, they must fix it on paper (or on another tangible material).
Continuality, or continuity in thinking, generates associativity of representations — the union of two concepts by a conditional time connection, when one of them, having appeared, immediately causes the other in consciousness. As a result, a complete image is formed with movable borders. Dynamics remember well associatively, easily mastering such techniques as speed reading or eidetics.
Therefore, statics are better at creating diagrams and structures, and dynamics are better at creating models and design projects.
2. Social level. Statics and Dynamics in Socionics
In society, this polarity manifests itself as a tendency to specialize or diversify resources.
The predominance of dynamics makes any human group unstable, prone to constant changes, and very sensitive to outside interference. A dynamic strives for variation in their social roles. Such a group is also more resilient, since a diversified society can more easily tolerate both supply disruptions and changes in values.
If the group is dominated by statics, then rapid transformations are difficult to implement, as they encounter psychological opposition. The static group is more stable, but at the same time more conservative. The secret of its stability is in specialization. Everyone does their own thing, occupying their own niche. As a result, the resultant force tends to zero.
3. Psychological level. Statics and Dynamics in Socionics
Static-dynamic polarity controls the degree of balance of the nervous system. In general, the nervous system of statics can be called balanced, and dynamics-unbalanced.
This is associated, in particular, with the variability of mood. The mood of the dynamic, even if he is rational, can change several times a day for small (from the point of view of an outsider, of course) reasons. A static person in his psycho-emotional state is quite autonomous. It is difficult for to spoil the mood of a static, but it is equally difficult to lift it.
4. Physical level. Statics and Dynamics in Socionics
At this level, we have the stability or variability of the organism and the subject-household environment around it.
Dynamics tend to change their wardrobe, change the interior of the apartment, or rearrange the furniture in the apartment for variety, out of boredom. For statics, this trend is uncharacteristic. It is more difficult for them to change the territory to which they are accustomed.
The body condition of dynamics is less stable. They quickly gain weight, but just as quickly lose it, and it is enough to get into a state of strong emotional tension. For statics, the problem of losing weight turns out to be the other side. Their weight class is stable: if they have already grown fat (or lost weight), then this is for a long time.
The same patterns apply to other bodily parameters, such as temperature, blood pressure, sweating, etc. For example, the body temperature of the dynamics can "jump" during the day, even when there are no obvious symptoms of malaise.
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