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Personality type Inspector (ISTJ, Maxim Gorky, LSI) - problems, tips, recommendations of socionics

Your strong point is a concrete logic, i.e. a thorough study of any issue and event. You are a responsible person who does not throw words to the wind.

You are characterized by a desire for order, discipline, and compliance with clear rules and regulations. You are impatient with all kinds of slackness, irresponsibility. You are a person of reason, guided in your decisions by logic, not emotions. You are prone to deep study of specific areas of activity.

What are you good at? Personality type Inspector (ISTJ, Maxim Gorky, Logical-sensory introvert)

You are a persistent and purposeful person. There is no doubt that you are a good administrator, always monitoring the correctness of the decisions made. You are also a supporter of applying disciplinary measures to people who do not perform their duties. Don't overdo the administrative push. Try to first understand the true motives of the violation of discipline.

You respect the authorities, and use only reliable sources of information. You are uncompromising in the performance of your duty, disciplined, executive, collected, keep order in everyday life and at work.

Problems and tips of socionics. Personality type Inspector (ISTJ, Maxim Gorky, Logical-sensory introvert)

One of your main problems is uncertainty in situations that require breaking down established views without clear prospects, distrust of unexpected ideas and proposals that require abandoning the values of the past, alternatives. In such cases, there may be a sense of approaching chaos, instability, and loss of waystones. Try, after weighing all the pros and cons, to abandon the old stereotypes.

Learn everything new, unconventional, so that new ideas do not take you by surprise. Trust people more, do not look for the reasons for your failures in someone's deliberate machinations.

Do not make the same demands on everyone, remember: everyone has different abilities by nature. Try to develop an individual approach to everyone.

Trust people more, do not look for the reasons for your failures in someone's deliberate machinations. Try to develop an individual approach to everyone.

Socionics tips. Personality type Inspector (ISTJ, Maxim Gorky, Logical-sensory introvert)

If you are a boss, do not restrict the creative initiative of your subordinates. Don't control their every move. Do not try to prove yourself to your superiors by following all, even outdated, regulations and instructions.

Expand the range of your interests and hobbies, do not focus on one thing. Moderate your realism in criticizing the new, deviating from the norms and rules. Remember that the most advanced ideas were not recorded in any reference book at the time.

Your other problem is irregularities in communication with people. You have unnatural, abrupt transitions from displays of courtesy and sensitivity to displays of authority and demand. Remember that you have a tendency in very close relationships to show intemperance and even rudeness.

What else does socionics advise you? Personality type Inspector (ISTJ, Maxim Gorky, Logical-sensory introvert)

Try to maintain an even, moderately restrained relationship with people, so as not to bring possible misunderstandings and conflicts to a dramatic end. Don't lose your sense of proportion in dealing with people: don't be overly helpful or overly intrusive with your problems. Don't consider others obligated to help you.

Do not bore people with unnecessary teachings and moralizing. Even if you are right, your edifying tone runs the risk of gaining detractors.


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