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Your strong point is your entrepreneurial spirit in new ventures. You start a new, necessary business with great passion, sparing no effort to achieve the result.
You are a person of practical mind, able to orient any theory or idea to practical use. You take an active part in the implementation of new technologies. You are not inclined to waste time on small things, you are especially attracted to large goals and projects.
What are you good at? Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, Logical-intuitive extrovert)
You can be called a person of action, since you do not postpone the implementation of your decisions in the long box. You quickly, without swinging, get involved in a new business and try to bring it to the end. You are an optimist who believes in the success of the business you have started. You are willing to share your plans with others; you like to test yourself in various fields of activity, take risks boldly, and are ready to overcome any difficulties.
In life, you are constantly faced with problems in the organization of everyday life. You often don't have enough time to rest. Despite your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, you don't regularly take care of your health. Combine the useful with the pleasant, do not focus excessively on any one activity.
Problems and tips of socionics. Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, Logical-intuitive extrovert)
Follow a rational mode of life, combining work with rest. Take up a health-improving run. Be more attentive to your appearance, do not neglect the opinion of others about you. Pay more attention to your household chores. Take care of your loved ones more often, devote more of your personal time to them, give them pleasant surprises, and delve into their problems.
Try to cultivate an aesthetic taste. Don't sacrifice your appearance, even in the name of goals that seem more important to you. Do not abuse extravagant antics, especially carefully touch intimate topics, do not seek to draw attention to yourself in this way: others may misunderstand you. Unwittingly, you can disrupt the relaxed atmosphere of communication, putting yourself and friends in an awkward position.
Combine work with leisure. Don't get confrontational on irrelevant issues, avoid familiarity.
Socionics tips. Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, Logical-intuitive extrovert)
Your other problem is related to ambiguous humor and jokes that can not always be correctly perceived and understood. Be tactful and modest in your statements. Don't try to cheer people up at any cost. Remember that not everyone likes a joking tone, much less irony or ridicule.
Avoid excessive emotional familiarity in communication, cultivate politeness and good manners. This will increase your self-esteem and earn the respect of others.
What else does socionics advise you? Personality type Entrepreneur (ENTJ, Jack London, Logical-intuitive extrovert)
Do not go into a confrontation on non-essential issues - this can set you against the majority and lose respect. Don't let your emotions rush out, don't let your actions get ahead of your thoughts. It is better to move away from the object of your irritation for a while and, having calmed down, having thought everything over, express your opinion to him at the next meeting.
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