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Why was the Energy Model developed in Humanitarian Socionics?
The focus of modern socionics should be on the modeling of energy and information processes: how energy generates information - a new ordering, a valuable experience, a proven knowledge. After all, knowledge (information as a tool), even the most reliable as it gets, without use, is not worth much. And in order to start using knowledge, you need energy.
A word as a means of information transmission onto a person or a group of people is ineffective by itself if one does not make energetic preparations, that help excite and interest a person in what you are saying (we need to elevate a person to a higher energy level first). Practicing psychologists, PR specialists, and political strategists have long understood this. The energy of the psyche begins to come to the central stage.
Based on such considerations, the Humanitarian Socionics has developed an energy model of the psyche, which more closely corresponds to the criterion of optimal life activity in the material world.
The energy model of a socionics object does not cancel Model A but complements it with a single model of energy-informational metabolism (EIM).It describes the qualitative transformation of the energy within the sociotype in the process of interaction with the surrounding reality.
The energy model consists of four blocks:
1.1. Social mission block in the Energy Model G. Humanitarian Socionics
It is the most powerful block, according to which a person confidently realizes themselves in a society (at a long communicative distance). With the help of this block, the carrier of the sociotype can regularly solve complex challenges facing them using their own capabilities and with maximum efficiency. From a point of view of the society, the social mission is an extremely concise set of instructions that describes without going into a detail what are the societal expectations for the person, i.e. what the goals are and how a person should go about reaching those goals throughout their existence in a society. The leadership block.
1. Leading - leading, stable, external. The "captain" of the team, the function of decision-making and resource allocation. Manages through encouragement.
2. Creative - leading, unstable, external. Implements mission of the type, implements it according to local conditions (fully takes them into account). It receives an energy boost from the Leader.
1.2. The block of social adaptation in the Energy model G. Humanitarian socionics
With the help of this block, the carrier of the sociotype adapts to social conditions. The block is well trained to solve regular, but not creative, tasks. The survival unit.
3. Role-playing - driven, stable, external. Consciously trained according to social norms. In the absence of external influences, the activity of this function decreases quite rapidly.
4. Launching - driven, unstable, external. Accelerates activity (the point of imprinting - an impulse that initiates the Leader), triggers the sociotype to perform socially significant tasks. At a close range, activation leads to the opposite effect.
1.3. The block of creative self-realization in the Energy model G. Humanitarian socionics
According to this block, the carrier of the sociotype creatively manifests themself at a close communicative distance, in the territory that they consider their own. They are able to spontaneously (but not regularly) solve complex non-standard tasks. Actions of the block appear demonstrative in nature, aimed at evaluating others (or provoking a reaction). This is a block of personal self-affirmation.
5. Demonstrative - leading, unstable, internal. The use is often contradictory to what is normal under local conditions, manifests suddenly as an impulsive action that attracts attention of the observer.
6. Manipulative - driven, stable, internalized. Long-term memorization of behaviors and habits. It replenishes energy reserves and sets a smooth way to control the type.
1.4. The block of inflation in the Energy model G. Humanitarian socionics
The weakest block, actions on it requires a lot of effort and the results are usually not successful. While taking actions in this block, inflation (bloating) occurs - more and more energy is spent until the system is overwhelmed and the energy release occurs (you can compare this with inflating and bursting a soap bubble), and as a result the energy of the system is quickly depleted (actions are carried out with minimal efficiency).
7. Braking - driven, unstable, internal. Its perception and its use lead to inhibition. The point of energy loss, produces the least adequate result, shows the greatest resistance to workloads.
8. Controlling - leading, stable, internal. Control via restrictions. The point of least resistance, the most problematic position (the problem of the discrepancy between word and action - "I know, but I can't"). Controls what is happening in the immediate environment, dominates, imposes its opinion, but the carrier of the sociotype is not inclined to do anything or actively do anything for this function.
Distribution of energy between the functions of the sociomodel:
The Leading (1) and Demonstrative (5) – Energy-maximum - functions are energetically strong, taking away the lion's share of the total energy consumption of the socionic object;
Creative (2) and Manipulative (6) - Energy-optimal - functions that take away as much energy as is needed to solve the problems at hand;
Role-playing (3) and Braking (7) – Energy-minimum - functions that support the functioning of the socionics object at a lower energy level;
Launching (4) and Controlling (8) – Energy-pessimum - functions that convulsively spend leftover energy only in the most extreme cases.
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