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General description. Type Humanist (EII, Dostoevsky, INFJ)
1. His main features are humanism and empathy for people. He maintains friendly relationship with everyone. Peacemaker: knows how to reconcile hostile parties, but at the same time remain objective. His listening to people relieves their emotional tension. He does not accumulate evil in himself, forgiving his abusers and detractors.
2. Ready to help people who have turned to him for support. He is negative about violence, contrasting it with calm stubbornness and self-control. Although tolerant and compliant, he does not forgive treason and injustice. He is good at noticing alternatives and omissions in new beginnings. He reveals human vices, but puts it in a tactful form.
3. Demonstrates diligence, punctuality and discipline. Prefers a calm, measured rhythm of life. Conscientious, though slow in doing specific work. For proper implementation, he needs detailed instructions. Does not like crowds or loud compliments.
4. Rather insecure and not very creative. However, he can force himself to do more if it is expected of him. Impressionable and vulnerable, it is hard for him to tolerate rudeness. He can't put pressure on people or show aggression, although he will respond sharply to attempts to dictate to him. The most powerful of his punishments is the complete disregard of the person. His kindness can be abused, as it is difficult for him to refuse.
Appearance. Type Humanist (EII, Dostoevsky, INFJ)
The most reliable reference point that allows one to identify this sociotype by appearance is an impassive face. The classic features of his appearance resemble the faces of saints or martyrs from icons: a straight, elongated nose that does not recede far from the plane of the face. The face itself is usually a regular oval shape. On the face, as it were, lies the seal of suffering. Never shows violent positive emotions. Can only smile. At a distance, EII's face is written as if in mute reproach to all the sinful things that are happening around her. The same can be heard in the intonation of his speech.
EII with enhanced ethics has, as a rule, a thin, ascetic figure. In his movements, he is sharp and quite mobile. If the intuition is strengthened, then the figure is full, blurred, and the movements are clumsy. The facial features in this case also deviate from the canonical pattern. The gait of the EII has the following feature: the feet do not leave the ground high, rather they move parallel to the floor. Because of the small step, the gait turns mincing. There are extremes in EII clothing. On the one hand, he does not want to stand out, preferring modest but tasteful clothes (in the ethical subtype). On the other hand, he can dress up very brightly, like a parrot, according to fashion. The latter is typical for men of the intuitive subtype.
The manner of communication. Type Humanist (EII, Dostoevsky, INFJ)
EII like to observe people first, evaluating the developing relationships, and only then enter into communication. They don't take the initiative first. The sharpness and touchiness characteristic of EII, especially if ethics are strengthened, make it not convenient to communicate. His moralizing tone and monotonous "church" voice extinguish playfulness and cheerful mood, set people up in a minor fret, as if making them think about all the bad things that happen in this world. The most characteristic feature of defining this type of personality by the manner of communication is its "confessionality". People often turn to him for advice and comfort in a difficult moment of their lives, pouring out their soul.
EII never repels people and is ready to listen to them as much as necessary until the person calms down; he does not count with his personal time. He tries to understand everything objectively, dispassionately, discarding emotions. After that, it logically brings the person to the necessary conclusion. Because of his inflexible position, sometimes others perceive him as a naive person who does not know how to live like everyone else. He really is completely unable to cheat, to adjust, to play the role necessary for the situation.
Features of behavior. Type Humanist (EII, Dostoevsky, INFJ)
The main feature of his behavior, which helps to reliably identify this socionic type, is the willingness to come to the aid of close people. This is especially true for those who have fallen into difficult life situations. And his concern is shown not by words, but by deeds. EII is good at reconciling people. He seems to stand between the warring parties, maintaining good relations with both, which often causes fire from both sides. He can't push people, shout, or be aggressive. The most powerful of his punishments is complete disregard of a person. Such people are stubbornly ignored until they admit their guilt and ask for forgiveness.
Another characteristic feature of EII behavior is conscientiousness in the performance of a particular job. He does everything carefully, diligently and with high quality. Demanding for cleanliness and order. At home, Humanist often does cleaning, carefully puts things together (in women of the type). Likes a calm, measured course of life. He tries to prepare for everything in advance. You can always rely on him. Doesn't like to stand out. When others work, he also works with everyone else. Usually he can't stand scenes of violence with the sight of wounds and blood. Can't stay in a closed space for a long time.
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