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Logic users, living in the objective world, learn and master it through objective data, in purely external ways. The world of logical types is inanimate, devoid of color. Logic users take action based on the necessity or a benefit that a thing or a person represents to them. People of logic are treated in much the same way as standard objects whose value lies in the performance of a particular function.
The world of ethics users is a living, animated world. They are characterized by a subjective, personally colored attitude not only towards people, but also to the objects that surround them. The ethics users bestow object character traits, inner psychic qualities. Ethics users are particularly inclined to animate nature.
In the society, especially during formal communications the logic users are distinguished by the orientation of actions directed towards a task. Social behavior that is not related to solving problems at hand is regulated by the etiquette of the social group to which they belong. These are not necessarily rules of good behavior. They can also be related to negating rude behaviors. It is important that they function as objectively as possible.
The ethics users on a social plane are focused primarily on the individual person, and not on the task itself. It is very important to them who they are next to, whether people love them or hate them, whether they accept them as they are. This greatly affects the success of their lives in a society, so they constantly delve into the psychological climate of their team, assessing the interpersonal situation in it.
On an intellectual plane, logic users prefer meaningful logic to formal logic. It is not so important for them to prove that their opinions are strictly "logical", they are absolutely sure of it. Therefore, they rarely defer to the external authorities and established formal logical rules of the decision making.
The ethics users do the opposite. On an intellectual plane, ethics users often prefer formal logic, which has already been "proven" once and for all. Internally, they are very afraid of accusations of bias in their opinions, so they look for support in some authority on the matter. They are also quite sure of their attitudes (both positive or negative) towards their own and other people's intellectual work.
On the psychological level, the logic user is characterized by a rather low degree of emotional involvement. Their inner experiences are more monotonous and easily pushed to the periphery of consciousness. In communication, the logic user is not able to really "read" nonverbal signals of their interlocutor - subtle facial expressions, uneven breathing, redness/paleness of the skin, the nature of the gaze, tone, and inflection.
The ethics user is characterized by a deep emotional involvement with the people. The inner world of the ethics user is rich in nuance and feeling. They feel the other person as if "walking in their shoes", as they are good at picking up emotional vibrations. The basic information about a person is received not from the words of the speaker, but through a combination of nonverbal signals.
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