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Right and Left in socionics

In the most general form, this polarity is understood as the opposition of the processes of deployment and folding. A more formal name for this trait is evolution-involution.

1. Intellectual level. Right and Left in socionics

In intellectual activity, this polarity manifests itself as a complication or simplification of the structure of the subject of thought.

Right types tend to complicate information; they think with more complexity and in more detail, which makes the process of thinking slower and more energy-consuming. However, their mental products are well thought out and worked out in the chosen direction. The power of right thinking lies in its artificial refinement, complexity, and thoroughness. Its disadvantages may be a lower speed of orientation and output of results, as well as the loss of the overall picture: "tunnel vision".

Left types tend to simplify information, have a simpler and faster thinking, which gives a quick and raw result that needs further improvement. The power of left thinking lies in the natural simplicity of a generalized, comprehensive consideration of the problem and the speed with which results are produced. Its disadvantages may be excessive compression in the presentation of information, as well as inattention to the details of the situation which may be important.

2. At the social level. Right and Left in socionics

Right types tend to form large groups, while left types tend to form small groups.

Right types are better adapted to life in modern society, and to the complex collective rituals of professional and social behavior. For them, a big role is played by the reputation and the opinion of the external society. This is compensated for by a certain rigidity and intolerance at close range in their small group.

The left tends to work well together in small groups, in which work and communication are not strictly regulated instructions and rituals. They are more comfortable with people in their inner circle, whose opinion they take into account more than public approval or censure.

3. Psychological level. Right and Left in socionics

At this level, the "evolution-involution" polarity manifests itself in the complexity of the organization of the conscious attitude and its relation to the unconscious.

Right types have a complex, developed consciousness; the degree of control and repression of unconscious processes is higher, which often leads to conflicts with the unconscious. The left types have a simpler and more natural consciousness, which is in greater harmony with the unconscious.

The degree of mental programmability of the right is higher than that of the left. It is difficult for the right to get out of the imposed program; they tend to get hung up on their inner experiences. Left types get rid of illusions, imposed opinions, inspired thoughts, fanatical states, etc. faster and less painfully. In addition, this polarity affects the stress resistance of the psyche. The right is slower to recover from stress than the left. In them, the process of inhibition is less amenable to conscious control than the process of arousal.

4. On the physical level. Right and Left in socionics

This polarity manifests itself as an orientation in the activity towards a process or result. The right types skillfully organize the process, but lose sight of the result. For them, the quality of the result is most important. They scrupulously and carefully perform small manual work, focusing on the details.

The left types provide results with a poorly debugged process, often neglecting details which reduces the overall quality. They are focused on the speed of getting results. The left usually starts with large tasks, and the small details are left for later.

Right types are characterized by smooth movements (even if they are rational) and coherence (focus on one goal) of actions. In the left, there is a sharpness in the movements (even if they are irrational), as well as an abrupt switching from one activity to another.



21.08.2019 19:43
Правые идут от интровертного к экстравертному, левые наоборот.
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