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Humanitarian Socionics


Social-communicative orientation

This activity orientation is defined by the following attributes: ethics, sensorics, and democracy.

Social-communicative orientation is most effective in the social sphere – trade, supply, services, leisure, healthcare, etc.

This activity orientation includes sensory-ethical and ethical-sensory types that are most effective in the field of distribution and social communication (trade, supply, service, health, public catering, social security, entertainment, etc.).

Heavy socials (sociotypes Politician and Guardian) are more in demand in the so-called "heavy" societies. They are very effective at organizing their lives in the most difficult and unfavorable conditions. They excel in societies with sharp divisions (for example, divisions based on class, ethnicity, gender, etc.), with large gaps between the rich and the poor, with frequent political elections and intrusive advertising.

Light socials (sociotypes Mediator and Enthusiast) are good at communicating in favorable, comfortable, and "easy" societies. An “easy” society is the one where there is no fierce competition, there is no significant gap between the rich and the poor, people have little interest in politics.

Socials give themselves away primarily by their perfect understanding of the people’s everyday needs. They are by nature most suitable for group interactions, for satisfying current physical needs of a person – food, rest, communication, family, etc. Social care and guardianship are their characteristic trademark.

Socials, by virtue of their collective spirit, quickly converge around everyday problems, create warm gatherings where they give themselves up to their passions for practically oriented communication. They are very democratic by nature; they feel the situation well. In social groups, there is an intensive exchange of everyday information, gossip – who fell in love with whom, who got divorced, where to procure the latest thing, how best to relax, etc.

The objective orientation of "the public interests above my personal interests" retreats into the background and plays a lesser role among the socials. Their activity is limited just to the circle of relatives and good friends. They value family and home more than other types. For socials, the sensual approach is more important than an idealistic one, so they rarely can be called adherents of platonic love. Everyday pleasures and comfortable environments – these are the principles of their social activity.


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