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Personality type Analyst (INTJ, Robespierre, LII) - problems, tips, recommendations of socionics

Your strong point is an analytical mind, structural thinking, the ability to catch the patterns of any phenomenon. You are determined to be objective and fair, and when evaluating people, you are guided by their contribution to the common cause, and not by personal sympathies. In the case that you are engaged in, always highlight the main thing, discarding unnecessary, insignificant details. You also know how to present the material strictly logically, to convey the main idea to the audience.

What are you good at? Personality type Analyst (INTJ, Robespierre, Logical-intuitive introvert)

After analyzing the idea, establishing its importance and prospects, you become an active supporter of it. Your creative intuition feeds it constantly with new and new flashes.

You are also endowed with the ability to treat specific people with care. You know how to notice a person in action and help them discover their abilities, instill confidence in their own strength.

Problems and tips of socionics. Personality type Analyst (INTJ, Robespierre, Logical-intuitive introvert)

The main problem of your life is the inability to actively defend your interests and weak self-confidence in specific life affairs. You tend to be indecisive, you do not have an instant reaction to a change in the situation. Non-operativeness, non-dynamism can hurt you. Try to assert your rights more boldly if you are sure of their validity.

Take up those sports that develop determination and speed of reaction — tennis, mountain skiing, motoring, boxing. Be sure to alternate mental work with physical work. You are recommended exercises for concentration, as well as activities that develop this quality, such as picking mushrooms, berries, and fishing. You need moral support for your endeavors. In your environment, there should be people who are resolutely and optimistically inclined, who would push you from time to time, help you overcome pessimism and disbelief in your own strength.

Be sure to alternate mental work with physical work. Try to cultivate the norms of generally accepted ethics and follow them on a daily basis.

Socionics tips. Personality type Analyst (INTJ, Robespierre, Logical-intuitive introvert)

Your other problem is the inability to communicate with people, a distant psychological distance, which is perceived by others as dryness, callousness, aloofness. Sometimes you consciously condemn yourself to loneliness. Don't be gloomy and sullen. Smile more often, be friendly, but do not go too far — it is difficult for you to refuse people.

Carefully choose the circle of contacts you need to avoid overwork and unnecessary ethical problems. Try not to lose the established emotional connections. You can help a lot with your judgment and understanding. Keep in mind that not everyone can analyze events and abstract from emotions as well as you can.

What else does socionics advise you? Personality type Analyst (INTJ, Robespierre, Logical-intuitive introvert)

Try to cultivate the norms of generally accepted ethics and follow them on a daily basis. Consider the interests of other people. Try to delve deeper into everyone's problems if you want them to cooperate with you. Remember that a person is offended by a superficial, inattentive attitude towards him.


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