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Quadra representatives: the types are Politician (SEE), Entrepreneur (LIE), Critic (ILI) and Guardian (ESI)
The Gamma quadra is characterized by the priority of private property over state property and democratic power over authoritarian power. In Beta, the property can also belong to one person, but only by the order of the administration, and not in the final possession. It can always be taken away by force, transferred to another person, nationalized, and so on. The gamma principle is that the state is for the individual, and the individual is not for the state.
Socio-economic aspect. The Third Quadra (Gamma) - values, the mission of the quadra in Humanitarian socionics
To implement this principle, a system of checks and balances has historically emerged. To prevent beta-quadral usurpation of power, John Locke developed the concept of separation of powers. Thus, he became the ideologist of the gamma state in contrast to Thomas Hobbes, the Beta-type state theorist.
State life in the Gamma Quadra is built on the broad autonomy of individual territories, connected to each other more economically than politically. It prefers the principle of federalism to unitarianism. The Parliament has a bicameral structure. Regional leaders are elected, and not appointed. The ideologists of the Second Quadra, as you may recall, insist on a unitary centralized state.
In economic life Gamma brings commodity-money relations. Its native element is the free market economy. Under this polysemantic term in our case, we should understand the following provisions:
- limited state participation in the economy, in particular: ensuring the rule of law, macroeconomic regulation, and non-profit social programs
- healthy competition without monopolism, mafia, racketeering, shadow capital pressure and other Beta inclusions
- an open-type economy, that is, with low taxes and low import duties - free labor market with a mobile workforce
- a well-developed banking system that ensures the rapid transfer of capital to more profitable industries
The final state of this kind of economy is exactly the opposite in comparison with the economy of the mobilization type: there are a lot of goods, but little money. Hence there is a strong role of advertising and the variety of ways to sell excess goods (sales, discounts, prizes, multi-level marketing, etc.). The exact characteristic of the mature Gamma is therefore the term consumer society.
The next most important sign of the arrival of gamma values is the dynamization of public life. Any country begins to develop rapidly, as a rule, after reforms that introduce broad privatization of property. The wealth and power of such diverse republics as Babylon and Tyre, Carthage and Tarentum, Athens and Rome, Venice and Genoa, Novgorod and Pskov, the United Provinces of Holland and the United States of America are invariably linked to the triumph of the principle of the inviolability of the social “I can” of every citizen. That is, there is a private property principle for every citizen.
Meiji Restoration in Japan, Stolypin reform in Russia, modern transformations in China; all these are examples of full-fledged gamma reforms that are closer to us in time.
As historical practice shows, such a state can not last long, as it leads to a war of "all against all", an extreme aggravation of social tension between the rich and the poor. You can only let off steam by redistributing the national product through high taxes on large incomes (the principle of social democracy). But this slows down economic growth. So, the driving force of gamma values is exhausted. Spiritual and psychological aspect. The third Quadra (Gamma) - values, the mission of the quadra in Humanitarian socionics
Values of the types of the Third Quadra: Liberal-pragmatic Gamma is characterized primarily by individualism. Individualism should be understood as focusing on oneself, and not on others. Selfishness as a trait of human nature is no longer hidden, but is considered the norm. The desire to make a profit permeates all aspects of human life, right down to family relationships.
Hence the special role of money as the main commodity that can be exchanged for any other commodity. It becomes a symbol of human success. As destructive as money is to the second quadra (corruption undermines the foundations of any Beta-quadral empire), it is also beneficial as a source of growth for Gamma.
Even friends and close relatives prefer to maintain individual autonomy. Love by calculation, marriage contracts, early departure of children from the parental home, unwillingness to follow public stereotypes in private behavior all serve the purpose of strengthening everyday independence. People with such values will not be lured into the collectivist justice society of Beta quadra.
The root value of the Gamma Quadra is pragmatism. As you know, the traditional ideology of the Anglo-Saxon countries is based on it. Their ruling and educated circles are distinguished by their dislike of structural logic, which generates comprehensive systems. Everything that is useful is recognized as true (the philosophy of pragmatism). Absolute truth, or even the pursuit of it, is rejected. Another ideological pillar of the Gamma Quadra is liberalism. Functionally, it should be understood primarily as freedom of choice. It is clear that such a situation is impossible in the long term without tolerance for dissent, and not only in politics. Any dogmas are destroyed, Beta bans are removed. Over time, liberalism increasingly manifests itself as a desire to put everything on its head, to connect the unconnected.
Liberalism has serious consequences for the intimate and personal sphere. Free relations in the family cease to surprise. Sexual minorities come out of the underground. The emancipation of women is in full swing. The mixing of gender-age roles deals a final blow to the patriarchal beta morality. The loss of guidestones, in the end, begins to threaten the mental health of society.
Life turns into an endless celebration. Music plays everywhere, advertising signs and storefronts are lit with bright lights. Hedonistic consumer morality takes hold of people's minds. When a person is saturated with individual dishes or drinks, he begins to mix them. Such mixture and eclecticism are characteristic features of the mature Gamma Quadra.
In the intellectual life, critical and anti-dogmatic processes take place-what is now called Postmodernism. This is a broad philosophical teaching of an eclectic sense, which is based on the mixing of genres and the blurring of boundaries. Postmodern aesthetics in theater, cinema, painting, and literature as in a mirror reflects the ideological system of the Gamma Quadra, which is commonly called Western values.
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