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Your strong point is a strict logic of facts, which allows you to accurately calculate the practical side of any case. You are a sober realist, able to correctly assess the usefulness and effectiveness of the planned event.
You have a good wit and an excellent knowledge of the field in which you are engaged. You are an active person, do not like to waste time, always know what you want, and know how to achieve it with hard work and perseverance. You know how to use material resources efficiently and economically.
What are you good at? Personality type Administrator (ESTJ, Stirlitz, Logical-sensory extrovert)
You are also characterized by the ability to create material wealth and comfort for yourself and your loved ones, you strive for a secure, healthy, harmonious life and do not spare your efforts for this, as well as stimulate others to various useful activities. You have good organizational skills, as you know how to create conditions for people to work, to interest them and only then demand a return. You really appreciate the quality of work and do not tolerate indiscipline and laziness.
You love beautiful, good-quality things, delicious and healthy food. You like it when others judge you on merit and do not encroach on your independence in choosing decisions or working methods.
Problems and tips of socionics. Personality type Administrator (ESTJ, Stirlitz, Logical-sensory extrovert)
Your weakness is your inability to plan alternative activities for a long time. You often find yourself overloaded with work that comes from nowhere, and you need to prepare in advance for important events. Sometimes it is difficult for you to foresee the impending danger or failure. Unexpected turns of events, which you could not foresee, irritate you and even throw you off balance.
It is difficult for you to wait long for the outcome of your business, especially if you are not sure of its success. You are recommended to review your views on certain aspects of life more often, to abandon outdated traditions and customs.
The dry logic of facts should not stifle your instinct for the new and unusual. Moderate your conservatism and stubbornness as much as possible, compare yourself more often with others, and cultivate flexibility in competition.
Be patient, do not rush to tell the truth in a hurry. Moderate your conservatism and stubbornness as much as possible.
Socionics tips. Personality type Administrator (ESTJ, Stirlitz, Logical-sensory extrovert)
You tend to rely on your intuition about other people and do not suspect that you greatly overestimate this quality in yourself, because you are not immune from erroneous conclusions and forecasts. The consequence of this may be your inappropriate suspicion or even sharpness in communicating with people, which can put you in an awkward position. Show more restraint and tact in these matters.
Another problem is your inability to restrain your emotions in relation to close people who do not obey your instructions and teachings, if their actions contradict your logic and common sense. This is all the more unpleasant because with outsiders you behave emphatically restrained and correct, demonstrating only well-refined manners. Your loved ones may resent you because of this quality.
What else does socionics advise you? Personality type Administrator (ESTJ, Stirlitz, Logical-sensory extrovert)
With your lack of restraint, you can alienate your loved ones. Be patient, do not rush to tell the truth in a hurry. Being too direct doesn't do you any good. First, cool down, then consider what is best to say and in what form.
Learn to relax, to switch your attention from work to a pleasant vacation. Try to look at the conflicts from the humorous side. You have a well-developed sense of humor, it will calm you down, give vent to emotions in an acceptable form.
Read fiction more often, go to the theater — such a rest will soften your firm character and help to cultivate the nobility of feelings.
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