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Dominant ISTP (Craftsman, SLI, Gaben) subtype in Humanitarian Socionics
Master Stimulating
Has good business qualities. If he is carried away by business, he develops a great capacity for work. Stimulates colleagues with lucrative offers, not coercion. Distributes total earnings according to the contribution of each. He willingly works in small groups.
Sympathizes with the grief of others, but not with emotions, but with action. Doesn't compromise if he feels hurt.
Does not accept familiarity. If he is not understood, he withdraws into himself. Quite jealous and distrustful but hides it under the guise of indifference. Does not tolerate when they demand more than agreed.
Creative ISTP (Craftsman, SLI, Gaben) subtype in Humanitarian Socionics
Master Tester
Inventive and resourceful in solving sudden technical or everyday problems. He is inquisitive, but for the sake of theoretical study of the subject he will not sacrifice his time.
He wantsincluded in his work not only material incentives, but also risky activities that promise unusual experiences. Learns new things easily.
Like no other, he requires freedom in choosing actions or deeds. Knows how to take advantage of the chance that it provides for a short time. Possesses a good, dynamic, high-speed response. He successfully practices defensive martial arts.
Normalizing ISTP (Craftsman, SLI, Gaben) subtype in Humanitarian Socionics
Master Thrifty
At work, he is accurate and conscientious. Does everything without haste, but quickly and efficiently. Despite the seeming inertia, he is persistent in achieving the goal. He is good at repair work.
Understands that they learn from admitting their mistakes. Appreciates his work.
Economical and thrifty. Undemonstrative, but offended if what he did was not appreciated. Skeptical, he cannot be seduced by slogans. Cannot stand vanity, fidgeting.
He appreciates the circle of his colleagues, is family-oriented, caring. Monitors his health and appearance. Selects comfortable and functional clothing.
Harmonizing ISTP (Craftsman, SLI, Gaben) subtype in Humanitarian Socionics
Master Skillful
He makes a minimum of effort to get the maximum result. The most energy efficient type. He prefers to work alone, when there is inspiration, skillfully realizing the original plan.
Esthete, connoisseur of sensations. Needs connoisseurs of his skills, good rest. Has doubts about his strengths and capabilities, but the uncertainty disappears when he gets involved in a task.
Restrained in showing emotions. Does not tolerate rudeness, vulgarity.
Suffers very much from boredom. Physically very sensitive. He does not like to make efforts on himself. Appreciates friendly attitude, mutual assistance.
Socionics. First Quadra (Alpha) — types, values of the Alpha Quadra, mission of the First Quadra. Humanitarian socionics
In Humanitarian socionics, we use our energy Model G, which consists of four blocks: social mission...
A socionic temperament describes the intensity of the energy exchange with the environment...