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General description. Type Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)
1. Has developed logic and the ability to analyze. Can clearly separate the main thing from the secondary. Structures, classifications and concepts are his style. He is objective, principled and sharp in his judgments and assessments. He ignores the rules or instructions that do not suit him.
2. Having understood a problem, he puts forward fundamentally new solutions. He is tolerant of other points of view and lifestyles. His behavior is often incomprehensible to others, as he makes many decisions intuitively by guessing. Often he has a hobby in which he is constantly improving. He only supports a conversation when it concerns topics that are important to him.
3. Poorly versed in people's feelings. Stubborn and inflexible in relationships. He is secretive and he does not like uninvited guests very much, not knowing how to entertain them. Careful in communication, he often keeps at a distance. The more he sympathizes with a person internally, the less he demonstrates his interest externally. Stubbornly maintains the system of relations to which he is accustomed.
4. In everyday life, he is modest; he agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. Everyday household duties depress him. Despite his stubbornness, his is poorly suited to developing forceful abilities. He usually does not know how to subdue people. In critical situations, he is quite indecisive. You can’t get anything out of him by coercion.
Appearance. Type Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)
LII's appearance has a number of characteristic features that allow you to identify this type of personality well, even at a distance. He has a very ascetic face. Asceticism can be spoken of for two reasons. First, the very structure of the face often resembles medieval profiles in its angularity: the combination of large parts of the face (usually the nose) with small parts (usually the chin), and also cheekbones and brow arches. Secondly, the expression of the face at a distance is always perceived as completely emotionless, severe, or frowning. The complexion is usually pale or bloodless. Men of this type tend to have short haircuts.
LII's figure is thin in most cases. A very characteristic feature that allows you to confidently assume that a person belongs to this sociotype is a bent back figure with a slightly protruding stomach. LII's gait is uncertain and somewhat wavering. Sometimes it even seems that he does not know where to go. In moments of excitement, he rushes from side to side, as if making his way through space by touch. An LII (male) usually dresses discreetly, not wanting to attract too much attention to himself. However, he is characterized by fluctuations in the style of clothing. He can move unexpectedly from one extreme to the other. Sometimes he dresses up fashionably, other times he appears in a shabby form. The style of clothing of women of this type is reminiscent of the French – it emphasizes originality, unconventionality, and the desire to stand out.
The Manner of Communication. Type Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)
With unfamiliar people, the LII behaves with some reservation and aloofness, keeping a psychological distance. He does not take the first initiative in getting acquainted. His speech is very clear and logical, presenting material very coherently. There is a tendency to highlight the most significant words with intonation and stress. At the beginning, he usually expresses an abstract position, and then gives a concrete example that illustrates or reinforces this idea. The reverse order is also possible: a number of examples are given first, and then a generalizing conclusion follows. The logic of his speech, especially when defending any ideas during an argument, is very rigid and categorical. He always cuts off unnecessary details; he is only interested in general patterns.
During a conversation or speech, he shows an emotionality that is difficult to suspect at first. Emotions become strong and dramatic as they become aroused. His eyes flash with a fanatical gleam. Nevertheless, he tries to behave with emphatic correctness. He supports the conversation only when it is interesting to him. He does not express his opinion on matters that he is indifferent to, and rather prefers to remain silent about them.
Features of Behavior. Type Analyst (LII, Robespierre, INTJ)
He is attentive to people, always giving the person an opportunity to speak. Since he believes that every person has some abilities, he at least tries not to prevent the person from realizing them. LIIs are very tolerant of other points of view. He does not immediately reject any offer but tries to verify everything in practice. His behavior is very secretive: he does not talk about his own affairs, nor about his personal life. From the outside, it may even seem that he does not have a personal life at all. He is characterized by a very great desire for independence. He is satisfied only with complete freedom. In business activities, the desire for freedom is combined with a sense of responsibility. Undemanding, he is often indifferent to food and its presentation.
Carried away by work, he refuses to eat lunch. In everyday life, he is modest and agrees to be content with a minimum of amenities. He often has some kind of hobby that is fanatically followed for a long time. At the same time, he is completely indifferent to what others may say about him. He never draws attention to his position in life, lives by his own interests, and simply ignores any rules or orders that don’t suit him. Most people do not understand LII and try to keep a distance from him.
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