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General description. Type Administrator (LSE, Stirlitz, ESTJ)
1. Assertive and efficient. A constant worker, he cannot sit idle. Fights against chaos and disorder wherever he is. He has a strong sense of responsibility. He always prefers deeds to words. He does not tolerate cunning and guile; he expresses his opinion directly.
2. Above all values quality. Always comes to the rescue when people are in physical danger. Acts boldly and decisively in such a situation. He is very caring, providing his loved ones with material wealth. If he is resting, it is as thoroughly as he works.
3. In business relations, he is dry and formal, but in an informal setting, he strives to show cordiality and humor. However, he lacks diplomacy in relations. He can get nervous and angry. He is a stubborn debater who gets very hot when proving his point. He doesn't know how to make compliments.
4. Getting stuck in the details of the work, he may not meet the deadline, which is very painfully experienced. He is rarely prepared for the unexpected. He will not talk about nothing, although it is difficult for him to interrupt a phone conversation. He doesn't like to be distracted from his work. A conservative supporter of traditions, it is difficult for him to perceive new trends and fashions.
External signs. Type Administrator (LSE, Stirlitz, ESTJ)
Among the external signs of LSE, it is necessary to distinguish first of all his straight posture and poorly bending figure. They say about such people: he has a military bearing. In most cases, he is thin. However, if the sensory component is enhanced, he also might have a full figure. This is more often the case for women. But even in this case, there is a certain tightness and fixity in the figure. The gait and the nature of the movements of the LSE are sharp, jerky, and tense. There is a great inner nervousness. It is especially visible in the subtype with enhanced logic. This is manifested in the fact that the LSE cannot sit in one position for a long time (he constantly changes it) and in a special glint of the eyes during an excited conversation.
LSE clothing always tends to be business or classic style. For men, this is a traditional suit and tie. Usually does not follow fashion very much; strives only for the quality of toiletries. Women also do not allow themselves extravagant outfits. Even if they want to dress in fashion, their tastes are still quite strict and conservative. LSE is also distinguished by the feature of careful handling of clothing. Their outfits are always clean and tidy. They know how to wear them for a long time. Clothes look almost like new. They do not allow themselves to be sloppy in appearance. Always fit, with ironed clothes and polished shoes.
The manner of communication. Type Administrator (LSE, Stirlitz, ESTJ)
The main feature of the LSE communication style is emphasized manners and strict compliance with ethical standards when communicating with strangers. This is especially evident in men when they talk to ladies. There are appeals, offers to sit down, and emphasized politeness. Familiarity is completely absent. LSE likes to ask about everything to find out the facts. Comparing the facts, he makes logical conclusions. He does not recognize vague, evasive answers; he requires concreteness. He has his own opinion on any issue and argues hotly to defend it. He never admits that he is wrong about anything. He'll always find something to complain about. He does not like to talk about nothing, such as on the phone exchanging gossip. During telephone conversations, his voice sometimes changes and becomes somehow unnatural. He always speaks in favor of practicality and expediency. He usually misunderstands and condemns dreamers who put forward beautiful, but not directly useful projects.
Does not tolerate laziness or slackness. A proponent of gradual but steady progress. He doesn't like sudden changes. The leitmotif of his activity is stability. Conservative in their views on the family, especially in men. They are usually supporters of the division of responsibilities: the husband is the breadwinner, the wife is the housewife and the educator of children. They say about such people: being behind him is like being behind a stone wall.
Features of behavior. Type Administrator (LSE, Stirlitz, ESTJ)
The most characteristic feature of behavior that allows you to identify this sociotype is periodically repeated outbursts of rage. They occur when they criticize his way of doing work or teach him. He especially does not tolerate this from those people who do not do it themselves or are not competent. At such moments, he is able to throw everything that comes to hand, breaking the dishes. Losing his temper, he shouts at the critic and points out his personal shortcomings, without being shy in his expressions. The same choleric outbursts occur when something does not work out in a particular job. He is characterized by a very high efficiency. He can work for many hours a day. However, he periodically needs relaxation, such as lying on the couch, watching TV and disconnecting from everything. But he can't sit idle for long. Does not like to be sick and lie in bed. Constantly active, engaged in specific work. A good inventor and innovator, as well as a designer.
Always comes to the rescue when people are in physical danger. Acts boldly and decisively in such a situation. He never brags about it. It goes straight to the goal, not indirect. If he tries to cheat, then his tricks are easily calculated. It's pretty straightforward. Thanks to all this, he enjoys a reputation for honesty. Does not tolerate cunning, deception, forgery, or truancy. Does not like frivolity. Acts as a guardian of morals.
Socionics. Second Quadra (Beta) — types, values of the Beta Quadra, mission of the Second Quadra. Humanitarian socionics
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