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General description. Type Craftsman (SLI, Gaben, ISTP)
1. Appreciates comfort and high quality things. Prefers the convenience of clothing over ostentatious beauty. Works well with his hands. He reacts sharply to extraneous touches and unpleasant odors. He likes calm communion with nature. Caring for family and friends.
2. Prudent and economical. Inventive in everyday life and at work (but only if he enjoys it). Skeptical of slogans and appeals, relying only on common sense. In what he thinks is right, he is stubborn and uncompromising. He is distrustful of new ideas, but having tested them in practice, he is able to make the most of them.
3. Proud and independent. He needs subtle treatment, praise and attention. Because of the tendency to skepticism, he does not see the prospects of things in the future clearly. He is concerned about the issues of timely choice of life path. Feels dependent on the vicissitudes of life.
4. Impressionable, he has little control over his emotions during arguments. Doesn't know how to show his feelings in public. Life's hardships make him prone to "black" humor. At times, he is overcome by pessimism and apathy. Instead of encouraging a person, he falls under their negative state.
Appearance. Type Craftsman (SLI, Gaben, ISTP)
SLI is well defined by its facial expression. The external appearance is characterized by emotionlessness. This is perceived from the outside either as coldness and mystery, or as inaccessibility and internal vulnerability. This impression is given mainly by the sensory subtypes. The logical subtype has a characteristic "cat" smile of a person who is set up to search for pleasure. His face is filled with skepticism and disbelief. The shape of the face is often tapering downwards. The mouth is calm, even, and the lips have the same thickness. They are usually compressed and the corners of the mouth are slightly lowered. SLI has a characteristic gait, which is very helpful in determining this sociotype: a waddling gait, very springy, on slightly bent legs, as if creeping.
SLI's figure is usually athletic. He is characterized by a smile on one side of his mouth, which, because of undisguised skepticism, can be called a smirk. He likes consonantal sounds, which makes his speech rough and booming. The prevailing style of clothing is informal, everyday-elegant, as well as sporty. First of all, the practicality and convenience of clothing, catches the eye, rather than external decorations. The clothes on the SLI usually fit his figure very well.
The manner of communication. Type Craftsman (SLI, Gaben, ISTP)
The peculiarity of his manner of communication which attracts attention immediately is the skepticism of assessments and great stubbornness in judgments. SLI is initially set up to disagree with the interlocutor. These disputes can last indefinitely. Even if he agrees in words, he will still remain with his opinion. You can also recognize the SLI by the nature of the expression of emotions in communication. Usually he is cold and emotionless, but if he expresses it he poorly control his emotions: he becomes harsh, rude, and choleric. In this state, he gestures strongly, gets excited, and raises his voice.
He never shares his experiences with outsiders and not like fraternal communication, such as obsessive hugs. This has physiological reasons: he has very sensitive skin. He can't stand people analyzing his psyche. Most of all, he values the state of mental balance. Knows how to explain well and clearly. Strives for clarity and brightness of the transmission of the material. This feature is clearly visible in the creative manner of the teacher-innovator V. F. Shatalov. Gives practical advice on how to perform the work.
Features of behavior. Type Craftsman (SLI, Gaben, ISTP)
The main feature of the behavior that becomes noticeable in close communication with the SLI is its pragmatism and orientation to tangible benefits. He is always very economical. He never works on enthusiasm alone. He is difficult to get involved in the work. It takes some time before he actively gets down to business. But if he starts doing something, he tries to squeeze everything out to the last drop.
In everyday practicality, he has no equal. In behavior he strives for complete independence. Allows strangers close to himself only to a certain extent, when they do not yet have a real influence on him. Very appreciative of friendship. He receives people whenever they come. He will do anything to save a person if he hears a cry for help.
Likes to get thrills in different ways: active recreation, fast driving, etc. He has its own clear internal beliefs and requirements for himself, which he stubbornly follows. Moreover, this internal "code of honor" may differ from the generally accepted norms of behavior. He doesn’t give much consideration to the opinion of others about himself. Always shows great perseverance. Does not obey unreasonable, from his point of view, commands. Acts only as he sees fit. This gives him a reputation for being obstinate, quarrelsome, a bully, etc.
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