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Humanitarian Socionics


Kindred relations - Intertype relations in Humanitarian Socionics

Kindred relations are similar to those of distant relatives who talk about things that are formally necessary in these conditions, following the laws of politeness and hospitality, but do not want to delve into the details of relations with each other. Over time, such conversations get boring, as it seems that the person takes on the solution of the problem from the wrong end or in the wrong sequence and does not want to look on things from your point of view. Therefore, partners often strive for a certain middle line or compromise.

In a company, kindred relationships improve significantly, because the partner's behavior in contacts with other people is usually very pleasant. In this respect, the "relatives" have a lot to learn from each other. The chances of learning, of course, are also there, since we are talking in this case just about the trained verbal and behavioral function of each of them. In a family relationship, one can learn to be more discreet, and the other, on the contrary, more active. Related partners can turn to each other for advice. However, it turns out that the adviser himself begins to use the information received for their own purposes. As a result, the one who asked, remains with nothing, on the sidelines. The same case is considered by the partners from different angles — as if it would benefit the other and bring harm to themselves. Therefore, partners often seem to be selfish to each other, although they do not directly make such claims. In the family, kindred relations are harder than revision relations, as they generate distrust of each other and do not give a sense of self-importance.

There is also no mutual understanding in the methods of performing the same work. Their most developed behavioral functions are the opposite. As long as both are equal, they do not hurt each other, especially if both are introverts, but when one is the boss of the other or with other unequal positions, this can lead to disagreements and conflicts, especially with different subtypes.



08.02.2024 16:33
здравствуйте. у меня есть очень хорошие друзья дон кихоты. Не все так гладко, но мы с другом общаемся уже 3 года на постоянной основе. главное разговаривать и учиться. пиздеть все горазды а вы попробуйте послушать и все збс будет всем удачи всех целую


13.11.2022 14:55
Родственные отношения в семье и вправду сложные. У меня подобная ситуация. Общение без динамики. Особенно в наши дни, когда многим просто нечем заняться!


07.10.2020 08:48
Im IEE and husband ILE, we have both improved as individuals but there is no sense of being a team.


08.07.2020 12:35
Ой Ольга, я Бальзак моя мама Есенин. И это мракобесие, никак. Крепите нервы от этих тупых этиков у которых нет понятия что такое логика


26.11.2018 06:21
Отношения строят не тимы, а люди, поэтому всегда с помощью разговора можно прийти к взаимопониманию. Я Гексли, моя мама и девушка Максимы. Принятие человека таким какой он есть решает большинство проблем


25.08.2018 22:38
Здравствуйте, мой социотип - Бальзак, моя дочь - Есенин, живем вдвоем. Как наладить отношения, превратиться в Жукова?
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