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Humanitarian Socionics


Functional socionics. The program of the Basic course of Humanitarian socionics. Level 1

Programs of the Basic Course of Humanitarian Socionics.

Functional Socionics

Lesson 1: Extraverted sensory, function F

1. Power sensing (F), main manifestations
2. Group of extroverted sensing - status
3. Power sensing as an accentuation

Lesson 2: Introverted sensing, function S

1. Comfort sensing (S), main manifestations
2. Group of introverted sensing - conformal
3. Sensory comfort as an accentuation

Lesson 3: Extraverted ethics, function E

1. Ethics of emotions (E), main manifestations
2. A group of extraverted ethicists - passionate
3. Ethics of emotions as an accentuation

Lesson 4: Introverted ethics, function R

1. Relationship ethics (R), main manifestations
2. Group of introverted ethicists - mental
3. Relationship Ethics as an Accentuation

Lesson 5: Extraverted Intuition, function I

1. Intuition of possibilities (I), main manifestations
2. Group of extroverted intuitives - unique
3. Intuition of possibilities as an accentuation

Lesson 6: Introverted Intuition, function T

1. Intuition of time (T), main manifestations
2. Group of introverted intuits - safe
3. Intuition of time as an accentuation

Lesson 7: Extraverted logic, function P

1. Business logic (P), main manifestations
2. A group of extraverted logicians - business
3. Business logic as an accentuation

Lesson 8: Introverted logic, function L

1. Structural logic (L), main manifestations
2. A group of introverted logicians - cold-blooded
3. Structural logic as accentuation

Lesson 9

Functional socionics test

Who will pass the test will be able to move on to the next part of the course.


Анастасия (админ)

24.01.2021 10:23
Здравствуйте, Эльвира. Актуальные уровни обучения на сегодня можно проверить по ссылке -

Эльвира Никитина

13.01.2021 15:11
Я хочу пройти в вашей школе базовые курс соционики онлайн. (На начальный уровень я уже записана) Планируется ли проведение базового уровеня обучения онлайн, в ближайшее время? Если да, то в какие даты?
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