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Humanitarian Socionics


Socionics of group. Program

The program of the Basic course.

Part 2: Socionics of groups. Temperaments, attitudes, rings.

Lesson 1: Temperaments
1. How temperaments are formed
2. The "static – dynamics" attribute
3. Linear-assertive temperament
4. Flexible temperament
5. Receptive-adaptive temperament
6. The rule of temperamental balance

Lesson 2: Installations for the type of activity
1. How installations are formed
2. Technical and management installation
3. Heavy and light managers
4. Social and communicative attitude
5. Heavy and light social
6. Humanitarian and artistic installation
7. Heavy and light humanities
8. Research facility
9. Heavy and light scientists
10. The first organization of the socion

Lesson 3: Order Rings
1. How are the order rings formed
2. The sign of "right – left"
3. Right-wing extroverts are revolutionaries
4. Left-wing extroverts are transformers
5. Right-wing introverts are evolutionists
6. Left-wing introverts are involutionaries

Lesson 4: Revision Rings
1. How are revision rings formed
2. The sign of "positivism – negativism"
3. Right–wing positivists - causal thinking
4. Right–wing negativists - dialectical thinking
5. Left-wing negativists–fractal thinking
6. Left Positivists – vortex thinking
7. The second organization of the socion

Lesson 5: Video Interview diagnostic practice

Lesson 6: Test on the topic.



14.10.2021 16:55
А почему в занятии про Темпераменты нет пункта "Уравновешенно-стабильный темперамент"? Не уж то о нём не нужно знать?)
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