Type structure
Humans are not tabula rasa (clean slate)
Who counted the number of people who fell by chance or by their own lack of will into a communication environment alien to their socionic type...
The socionics test by Viktor Gulenko. The best online personality type test!
In each pair of statements, select the one with which you agree more. Respond without getting into situational details and without long hesitation.
Warning! No tests, including the test for determining the type of personality, give a complete guarantee that your socionic type will be determined correctly. Tests form the result based on your opinion of yourself, which is often quite subjective.
Who counted the number of people who fell by chance or by their own lack of will into a communication environment alien to their socionic type...
Socionics. Social Benefit Relations. Intertype relations in Humanitarian socionics. The first partner, the order transmitter...
Dichotomies in socionics. Extraversion and introversion. On the physical level, extroverts differ from introverts in their ability...
Carriers of the linear-assertive temperament are recognized in the socion by the greatest...
At the intellectual level, the L aspect means the construction of schemes, structures, and classifications. This kind of logic is not about efficiency...
DCNH, variants of the type in Humanitarian socionics. The harmonizing subtype. A harmonizing variant of the type (aka H-subtype) is formed as a result...