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Jared Vaughan

10 липня 2023 р.

DCNH system and MBTI types. / Система DCNH та типи MBTI. Питання соціоніку Гуленко

Віктор Гуленко

DCNH-система була розроблена ще на початку 90-х років і не має жодного відношення до типів MBTI. Вона виведена з практичних експериментів з малими групами, які показали суттєву різницю у поведінці людей одного й того самого типу в однакових ситуаціях.

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Gulenko does not read comments

16.07.2023 10:24
Jared, I suggest this article to help understand the difference between Ti and Ni in LII and ILI https://socioniks.net/article/?id=230 . MB-variants fails to understand introverted types due to misunderstanding Rationality/Irrationality in introverts. Nardi does not help the situation when he mistypes himself and bases most of his commercial publications on his mistyped foundation. If you read his book with an understanding of Socionics you can see how key brain regions are incorrectly attributed due to this bias. I would phrase this as a question to Gulenko himself, however he is notoriously spineless in answering anything that may be considered controversial or cause tensions with "well-known" people. Gulenko seems far more Harmonizing than any other subtype: unwilling to directly and categorically correct misunderstandings promoted by people like Naridi in preference of everything being non-contentious and peaceful. So endless suggested revisions of systems occur instead.

Gulenko does not read comments

16.07.2023 10:23
Jared, I suggest this article to help understand the difference between Ti and Ni in LII and ILI https://socioniks.net/article/?id=230 . MB-variants fails to understand introverted types due to misunderstanding Rationality/Irrationality in introverts. Nardi does not help the situation when he mistypes himself and bases most of his commercial publications on his mistyped foundation. If you read his book with an understanding of Socionics you can see how key brain regions are incorrectly attributed due to this bias. I would phrase this as a question to Gulenko himself, however he is notoriously spineless in answering anything that may be considered controversial or cause tensions with "well-known" people. Gulenko seems far more Harmonizing than any other subtype: unwilling to directly and categorically correct misunderstandings promoted by people like Naridi in preference of everything being non-contentious and peaceful. So endless suggested revisions of systems occur instead.
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