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General description. Type Critic (ILI, Balzac, INTP)
1. Well notices contradictions and omissions in deeds and words. He is skeptical about the prospects for hasty undertakings. He can accurately characterize a person, predicting their main reactions. Ironic. Patiently brings the person to the necessary step, preparing it in advance.
2. He only undertakes those cases which guarantee a reliable profit. Thrifty in handling money. He does work clearly, without hurrying; delves into the details. Critic calculates everything in his mind, trying to control the process. He is able to use the accumulated information to his advantage.
3. Prudent in matters of comfort and health. He does not accept extreme methods and naked enthusiasm. In everyday life, Critic surrounds himself with a large number of familiar objects. Often happens to be a gourmet. Sometimes keen on performing hygiene standards and trying to keep clean.
4. Likes to argue on a variety of topics. Growing hot tempered, sometimes spoils the mood for himself and others. Poorly manages his emotions: his condition ranges from melancholic depression to outbursts of discontent. His problem is finding inner balance. He does not like it when he is taken out of a state of calm and relaxation.
Appearance. Type Critic (ILI, Balzac, INTP)
The most characteristic external sign of ILI, by which this sociotype is easily determined, is the posture. The representative of this sociotype, as a rule, is stooped; the head is drawn into the shoulders and tilted forward. The eyes of ILI: expressive and sad. In the eyes victimhood (sacrifice) is often read. It is easy to imagine him among the crowd surrounding him with shouts of "Crucify him". In the expression of the face, wisdom is intertwined with good-humour in the intuitive variant, and despondency with resentment characterize the logical one.
The lips of ILI are poorly defined and often expressionless. During the conversation, sometimes it exposes the lower lip; the lower jaw is poorly controlled and often sags. The clothing and appearance of ILI is very dependent on the subtype. ILI of the logical subtype often looks sloppy and neglected, as if there is no care for the person. Shoes can be worn or twisted. The intuitive subtype, on the contrary, is neat; his clothes are often well chosen and distinguished by cleanliness and neatness.
The manner of communication. Type Critic (ILI, Balzac, INTP)
The two subtypes ILI rather differ from each other in the manner of communication. The logical variant in communication often shows activity and assertiveness. Sometimes it is even pointedly rude and vulgar. However, such brusqueness can’t be maintained for a long time; it slumps. The Intuitive subtype of ILI communicates gently, unobtrusively, and with a smile. Leaves behind the general impression of an intelligent, well-mannered person. If he needs it, he can ask very kindly, culturally, and his request is usually answered. The manner of speech, especially during speeches, is often sluggish and drawn out. This manner of speaking is hypnotic. He well notices and pays attention to inconsistencies and contradictions in any theory or views.
ILI can predict the course of upcoming events in a figurative, associative form. By modeling a person's behavior based on their experience of communicating with them, they can describe in detail the further behavior of a person, which sometimes causes considerable interest to listeners. Rarely shows violent emotions, fuss, or haste. They irritate him and make him sleepy. He does not like it when he is taken out of a state of calm and relaxation. He communicates with people at a close distance, evoking respect for himself with his wisdom and foresight. He is skeptical about the prospects for hasty undertakings. He is characterized by statements such as: "Nothing will come of this", "You are making a fuss over nothing”, and "Better save your strength," etc.
Features of behavior. Type Critic (ILI, Balzac, INTP)
One of the characteristic features of the behavior of ILI, which becomes noticeable after some time of observing, it is a tendency to business activity of a commercial nature. ILI, under normal circumstances, is quite lazy and relaxed. He only undertakes those cases which guarantee a reliable profit. Knows how to sell goods profitably. Moreover, his business activity can extend to a large territory. Critic is usually characterized by great thrift. Does not like to give gifts or to lend money. However, he is generous for himself, and does not skimp on personal expenses. Going out on the street or going on a hike, always has a standard set of things with him to ensure a minimum of comfort.
Often tries to fulfill the norms of hygiene, in order to preserve health. Often washes his hands and tries to keep clean. ILI is characterized by a clear logic of actions, sometimes reaching pedantry. He does the work clearly, without hurrying, delving into the details. Scrupulous in everyday life. For each case, he tries to have his own tool. When leaving home, he checks taps, household appliances, etc.
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