Quadra Alpha. Types of famous people

Socionics in faces. Celebrities of the First Quadra

Quadra Alpha

Quadra is democratic, passionate, peripheral. The authorities do not have the first quadra.
Of course, some of its representatives sometimes find themselves in central leadership positions, but they end up there as an exception, confirming the rule.

Seekers (ENTP, ILE)

Intuitive-logical extroverts.
Socionics types of famous people, sociotypes of prominent people, celebrities

Taras Chernovol
Anatoly Chubais
Andy Rubin
George Malinetsky
Steve Wozniak
Raymond Kurzweil
Heinrich Altschuller

Enthusiasts (ESFJ, ESE)

Ethical-sensory extroverts.
Socionics types of famous people, sociotypes of prominent people, celebrities

Masha Efrosinina
Anastasia Zavorotnyuk
Nikolai Drozdov
Nadezhda Rumyantseva
Tatiana Dogileva

Mediators (ISFP, SEI)

Sensory-ethical introverts.
Socionics types of famous people, sociotypes of prominent people, celebrities

Evgeny Leonov

Analysts (INTJ, LII)

Logical-intuitive introverts.
Socionics types of famous people, sociotypes of prominent people, celebrities

Angela Merkel
Sergey Kapitsa
Andrey Sakharov
Ernest Rutherford
Immanuel Kant
Peter Kapitsa

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